250 gr Spaghetti
200 gr daging ayam, potong dadu 2 x 2 cm
100 gr wortel, potong sesuai selera
100 gr baby kailan, potong-potong
6 buah cabe merah, haluskan
3 sdm kecap manis
5 siung bawang putih cincang
1 sdm kaldu ayam instan
1 sdm bawang merah goreng untuk taburan
½ sdt garam halus
3 sdm minyak goreng
1 sdm tepung maizena, larutkan dengan
150 ml air/kaldu ayam
Cara Membuat:
1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih dan cabe merah hingga harum. Masukkan daging ayam, aduk hingga berubah warna.
2. Masukkan kecap manis, bumbu-bumbu, wortel dan kailan. Kentalkan dengan larutan air/kaldu dengan tepung maizena. Masak hingga saus agak mengental. Angkat.
3. Siapkan spaghetti di atas piring saji, siram dengan kuah ayam. hidangkan selagi panas dengan taburan bawang merah goreng. Sajikan segera.
Untuk 4 Porsi
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
RESEP CAKE COKELAT BLACK FOREST - Kembali lagi bersama kami Resto Cafe, dimana pada edisi Ramadhan ini akan kami berikan Berbagai macam ragam Resep Kue Spesial untuk anda dan keluarga anda.
Seperti halnya Resep Kue Yang satu ini, dimana kami memberikan Resep Cake Cokelat Black Forest dan pasti banyak yang suka, dari pda bertele-tele membca tulisan ini lebih baik langsung saja anda lihat cara mebuatnya dan bahan - bahanya di bawah ini.
Bahan Cake Cokelat Black forest
- 8 Kuning telur
- 4 putih telur
- 175 gram gula
- 1/2 sendok makan VX / TBM
- 150 gram margarin / mentega, cairkan
- 100 gram tepung terigu + 50 gram cokelat bubuk + 25 gram maizena (ayak bersama)
- 1 kaleng black cherry, tiriskan
- 200 gram cooking chocolate (cokelat masak) untuk hiasan
- Beberapa buah cherry merah
- 200 gram mentega tawar / margarin + 50 cc susu kental manis (kocok sampai lembut)
Cara Membuat Cake Cokelat Black forest :
Kocok telur, gula, dan TBM sampai mengembang, masukkan campuran terigu, cokelat bubuk, dan maizena ke dalam kocokan, aduk rata.
MAsukkan mentega / margarin cair, aduk perlahan sampai rata. tuang dalam loyang bulat ukuran 20 cm yang sudah dioles margarin dan ditaburi tepung, panggang dalam oven selama kurang lebih 45 menit dengan panas 180 derajat celcius.
Setelah matang, angkat, dinginkan. belah kue menjadi 2 bagian, beri butter cream dan buah cherry hitam, tutup kembali, oles seluruh cake dengan sisa butter cream, beri serutan cokelat masak, dan hiasan cherry merah.
potong menjadi 8 – 12 potong
Baca jug ayah Resep kami yang lainnya : Resep Puding tapai Kelapa Muda
Resep Spaghetti Carbonara ala Pizza Hut
100g pancetta
50g pecorino cheese
50g Parmesan
3 large eggs
350g spaghetti (De Cecco is very good)
2 plump garlic cloves , peeled and left whole
50g unsalted butter
Maldon salt and freshly grated black pepper
Put a large saucepan of water on to boil. Finely chop the pancetta, having first removed any rind. Finely grate both cheeses and mix them together. Beat the eggs in a medium bowl, season with a little freshly grated black pepper and set everything aside.
Add 1 tsp salt to the boiling water, add the spaghetti and when the water comes back to the boil, cook at a constant simmer, covered, for 10 minutes or until al dente (just cooked).
Squash the garlic with the blade of a knife, just to bruise it. While the spaghetti is cooking, fry the pancetta with the garlic. Drop the butter into a large wide frying pan or wok and, as soon as the butter has melted, tip in the pancetta and garlic. Leave these to cook on a medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring often, until the pancetta is golden and crisp. The garlic has now imparted its flavour, so take it out with a slotted spoon and discard.
Keep the heat under the pancetta on low.When the pasta is ready lift it from the water with a pasta fork or tongs and put it in the frying pan with the pancetta (see left). Don't worry if a little water drops in the pan as well (you want this to happen) and don't throw the rest of the pasta water away yet.
Mix most of the cheese in with the eggs, keeping a small handful back for sprinkling over later. Take the pan of spaghetti and pancetta off the heat. Now quickly pour in the eggs and cheese and, using the tongs or a long fork, lift up the spaghetti so it mixes easily with the egg mixture, which thickens but doesn't scramble, and everything is coated. Add extra pasta cooking water to keep it saucy (several tablespoons should do it). You don't want it wet, just moist. Season with a little salt, if needed.
Use a long-pronged fork to twist the pasta on to the serving plate or bowl. Serve immediately with a little sprinkling of the remaining cheese and a grating of black pepper. If the dish does get a little dry before serving, splash in some more hot pasta water and the glossy sauciness will be revived.
100g pancetta
50g pecorino cheese
50g Parmesan
3 large eggs
350g spaghetti (De Cecco is very good)
2 plump garlic cloves , peeled and left whole
50g unsalted butter
Maldon salt and freshly grated black pepper
Put a large saucepan of water on to boil. Finely chop the pancetta, having first removed any rind. Finely grate both cheeses and mix them together. Beat the eggs in a medium bowl, season with a little freshly grated black pepper and set everything aside.
Add 1 tsp salt to the boiling water, add the spaghetti and when the water comes back to the boil, cook at a constant simmer, covered, for 10 minutes or until al dente (just cooked).
Squash the garlic with the blade of a knife, just to bruise it. While the spaghetti is cooking, fry the pancetta with the garlic. Drop the butter into a large wide frying pan or wok and, as soon as the butter has melted, tip in the pancetta and garlic. Leave these to cook on a medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring often, until the pancetta is golden and crisp. The garlic has now imparted its flavour, so take it out with a slotted spoon and discard.
Keep the heat under the pancetta on low.When the pasta is ready lift it from the water with a pasta fork or tongs and put it in the frying pan with the pancetta (see left). Don't worry if a little water drops in the pan as well (you want this to happen) and don't throw the rest of the pasta water away yet.
Mix most of the cheese in with the eggs, keeping a small handful back for sprinkling over later. Take the pan of spaghetti and pancetta off the heat. Now quickly pour in the eggs and cheese and, using the tongs or a long fork, lift up the spaghetti so it mixes easily with the egg mixture, which thickens but doesn't scramble, and everything is coated. Add extra pasta cooking water to keep it saucy (several tablespoons should do it). You don't want it wet, just moist. Season with a little salt, if needed.
Use a long-pronged fork to twist the pasta on to the serving plate or bowl. Serve immediately with a little sprinkling of the remaining cheese and a grating of black pepper. If the dish does get a little dry before serving, splash in some more hot pasta water and the glossy sauciness will be revived.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Resep Pennylane Brownies Paling ENak Gampang
This recipe is so popular in Indonesia. Pennylane brownies is crunchy and yummy. The outer slice also shinny and when you use knife to cut it off,, the chocolate inside would be melting. Very recommended brownies recipe for everyone!!!!
4 butir telur
2 cup gula pasir (untuk yg gak suka manis, biasanya aku kurangin jadi 1 1/2 atau 1 3/4)
1 cup minyak goreng (pake minyak tidak jenuh supaya sehat. i.e. minyak canola, minyak kedelai, etc. Tapi pake minyak goreng biasa juga gpp kok)
3/4 cup bubuk coklat
1 1/2 cup tepung terigu
1 sdt garam
2 sdt vanili
cincangan kacang tanah Cara Membuat :
2 cup gula pasir (untuk yg gak suka manis, biasanya aku kurangin jadi 1 1/2 atau 1 3/4)
1 cup minyak goreng (pake minyak tidak jenuh supaya sehat. i.e. minyak canola, minyak kedelai, etc. Tapi pake minyak goreng biasa juga gpp kok)
3/4 cup bubuk coklat
1 1/2 cup tepung terigu
1 sdt garam
2 sdt vanili
cincangan kacang tanah Cara Membuat :
- Telur dikocok sampai mengembang.
- Masukkan gula sambil dikocok terus. Masukkan bahan-bahan lainnya, aduk perlahan-lahan sampai tercampur.
- Olesi loyang dengan mentega, panaskan oven 180 derajat celcius.
- Tuang adonan ke loyang, panggang +/- 35 menit. Test dengan tusuk gigi/lidi yang bersih.
- Dinginkan sebelum dikeluarkan dari loyang dan dipotong-potong.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Resep PUff Pastry Part 3
Shortcrust pastry is made with twice the amount of flour to fat and the texture of the pastry largely depends on which type of fat is used and how it is integrated into the flour.
A good pastry requires very little handling indeed, which sometimes can be quite tricky.
Below is some helpful information about the ingredients and techniques used to make a "perfect" shortcrust pastry, followed by a simple recipe.
The first item you will need to make a shortcrust pastry is flour. This flour will always be a soft plain flour ideal for cakes and pastries, rather than the stronger type of flour used to make bread. Do not use really old flour; the best results are obtained with a fairly fresh batch of plain flour.
Although shourtcrust pastry does not rise during baking, it is imperative that lots of air is incorporated into the pastry dough, so that the pastry is kept light.
One of the most important factors is to keep all ingredients as cold as possible, therefore if you live in a particularly warm country or are working in a warm kitchen, it may be an idea to place the flour and bowl in the refrigerator for 10 - 15 minutes before starting.
To make the pastry, start of by sifting the flour and a pinch of salt into a large bowl. Hold the sieve as high as possible over the bowl when sifting the flour, to incorporate as much air as you can.
Shortening (fat)
Usually an equal amount of butter and lard is used to make shortcrust pastry. The butter gives the pastry a deliciously rich flavour, whilst the lard is used for optimum texture. The amount of fat should be half that of the flour.
Whichever type of fat you use, it should be cold, but not too cold so that it is impossible to rub into the flour. On the other hand, if the fat is too soft and warm, it will begin to melt and become oily, which will result in a pastry that does not stay intact when it is being rolled out. The fat may become warm from taking too long to rub it into the flour, which could also happen if the fat is too cold. For the best pastry results, you have to work quickly and therefore the temperature of the fat must be taken into consideration.
The second stage of pastry making is to add the fat to the flour and salt. For shortcrust pastry particularly, the fat must be cut into small pieces and added to the flour.
Then, using a knife or even better, a pastry blender (see introduction to pastry), cut the fat into even smaller pieces with the flour until the mixture looks fairly even and all the fat has been coated. Finish off by quickly and lightly rubbing the fat into the flour with your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs, lifting the mixture as high as possible and letting it fall into the bowl, to incorporate even more air. If the mixture starts to warm up or the fat becomes oily, place it in the fridge for the necessary amount of time to cool the ingredients down a bit.
Adding the liquid
For shortcrust pastry you will always be required to use water rather than any other type of liquid. Ensure that the water is chilled beforehand and remember that only a small amount of water, a few tablespoons, is required.
Once your flour and fat mixture resembles breadcrumbs, begin by evenly sprinkling one or two tablespoons of water over the flour mixture. If a mistake is made and too much water is added, this will turn the pastry into a sticky mess, making it almost impossible to roll out. However, if not enough water is added, the baked pastry will crumble and fall to pieces.
Once the liquid has been added, the mixture needs to be brought together to form a dough. The best method is by using a knife rather than your fingers to start with, as the pastry should be handled very little.
Work the knife using cutting and stirring motions, and the mixture should start to come together. Finish off by pressing the ingredients together with your fingers, adding more water if necessary, until the bowl has been completely cleaned and a nice and smooth ball of dough has been formed.
Resting the pastry
It is really important to give the pastry a rest before rolling it out, so that the gluten in the flour has enough time to react with the water and gain elasticity, which will make rolling the pastry out that much easier.
Wrap the pasty dough ball in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for a minimum of 30 minutes.
If you are not going to use the pastry immediately, it can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days.
Rolling the pastry
When you remove the pastry from the refrigerator, let it stand for a while to bring it back up to room temperature before rolling, so that it softens up and is more manageable.
Make sure that the surface on which you are going to roll out the pastry dough is clean and dry. Lightly dust the surface with flour and do the same with the rolling pin.
Roll the pastry out to the desired thickness and shape for the recipe that you are following.
Recipe for shortcrust pastry (for a 9 inch pastry case)
8 oz (225g) of plain flour
4 oz (115g) of butter or 2 oz (55g) each of butter and lard
3 - 4 tbsp of ice cold water
pinch of salt
Sift the flour and salt into a large bowl, lifting the sieve high above the bowl.
Cut the chilled fat into small pieces and add to the flour.
Using a knife, cut the butter and work it into the flour.
Use your fingertips to rub the fat into the flour until a breadcrumb like mixture is obtained.
Sprinkle the water, 1 tbsp at a time, evenly over the flour and fat mixture.
Begin to bind all of the ingredients together using a round-bladed knife.
As the mixture starts to come together, finish off by using your hands, until all the mixture has been incorporated and a round ball of dough has been formed.
Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Remove the dough from the fridge, allow to warm up and knead gently on a lightly floured clean surface.
Roll out to desired thickness.
Two-crust pie
To make a two-crust pie, as opposed to a pie with just a pastry base, the proportions of the ingredients must be increased by 50%. This is due to the fact that the pastry dough must be divided into two pieces and therefore more pastry is required. The first piece is rolled out and used to line the base of the pastry tin, the filling is added, and the second piece of pastry is then placed over the top of the filling, like a lid.
Therefore, for a 9 inch pastry case, you will need 12 oz (340 g) of plain flour, 6 oz (170 g) of fat, 5 - 6 tbsp of iced water and ½ tsp of salt.
Rich shortcrust pastry
This is basically the same as shortcrust pastry but it is richer in flavour and crumblier in texture, due to the higher amount of fat used. To make a sweetcrust pastry to be used for sweet pies or tarts, add 1 oz (30 g) of caster sugar to the ingredients below.
For a 9 inch pastry case made from rich shortcrust pastry, you will need: 8 oz (225 g) plain flour, 6 oz (170 g) butter, 2 - 3 tbsp of water, 1 egg yolk and a pinch of salt. For a two-crust pie, increase the proportions by 50% as above.
A good pastry requires very little handling indeed, which sometimes can be quite tricky.
Below is some helpful information about the ingredients and techniques used to make a "perfect" shortcrust pastry, followed by a simple recipe.
The first item you will need to make a shortcrust pastry is flour. This flour will always be a soft plain flour ideal for cakes and pastries, rather than the stronger type of flour used to make bread. Do not use really old flour; the best results are obtained with a fairly fresh batch of plain flour.
Although shourtcrust pastry does not rise during baking, it is imperative that lots of air is incorporated into the pastry dough, so that the pastry is kept light.
One of the most important factors is to keep all ingredients as cold as possible, therefore if you live in a particularly warm country or are working in a warm kitchen, it may be an idea to place the flour and bowl in the refrigerator for 10 - 15 minutes before starting.
To make the pastry, start of by sifting the flour and a pinch of salt into a large bowl. Hold the sieve as high as possible over the bowl when sifting the flour, to incorporate as much air as you can.
Shortening (fat)
Usually an equal amount of butter and lard is used to make shortcrust pastry. The butter gives the pastry a deliciously rich flavour, whilst the lard is used for optimum texture. The amount of fat should be half that of the flour.
Whichever type of fat you use, it should be cold, but not too cold so that it is impossible to rub into the flour. On the other hand, if the fat is too soft and warm, it will begin to melt and become oily, which will result in a pastry that does not stay intact when it is being rolled out. The fat may become warm from taking too long to rub it into the flour, which could also happen if the fat is too cold. For the best pastry results, you have to work quickly and therefore the temperature of the fat must be taken into consideration.
The second stage of pastry making is to add the fat to the flour and salt. For shortcrust pastry particularly, the fat must be cut into small pieces and added to the flour.
Then, using a knife or even better, a pastry blender (see introduction to pastry), cut the fat into even smaller pieces with the flour until the mixture looks fairly even and all the fat has been coated. Finish off by quickly and lightly rubbing the fat into the flour with your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs, lifting the mixture as high as possible and letting it fall into the bowl, to incorporate even more air. If the mixture starts to warm up or the fat becomes oily, place it in the fridge for the necessary amount of time to cool the ingredients down a bit.
Adding the liquid
For shortcrust pastry you will always be required to use water rather than any other type of liquid. Ensure that the water is chilled beforehand and remember that only a small amount of water, a few tablespoons, is required.
Once your flour and fat mixture resembles breadcrumbs, begin by evenly sprinkling one or two tablespoons of water over the flour mixture. If a mistake is made and too much water is added, this will turn the pastry into a sticky mess, making it almost impossible to roll out. However, if not enough water is added, the baked pastry will crumble and fall to pieces.
Once the liquid has been added, the mixture needs to be brought together to form a dough. The best method is by using a knife rather than your fingers to start with, as the pastry should be handled very little.
Work the knife using cutting and stirring motions, and the mixture should start to come together. Finish off by pressing the ingredients together with your fingers, adding more water if necessary, until the bowl has been completely cleaned and a nice and smooth ball of dough has been formed.
Resting the pastry
It is really important to give the pastry a rest before rolling it out, so that the gluten in the flour has enough time to react with the water and gain elasticity, which will make rolling the pastry out that much easier.
Wrap the pasty dough ball in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for a minimum of 30 minutes.
If you are not going to use the pastry immediately, it can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days.
Rolling the pastry
When you remove the pastry from the refrigerator, let it stand for a while to bring it back up to room temperature before rolling, so that it softens up and is more manageable.
Make sure that the surface on which you are going to roll out the pastry dough is clean and dry. Lightly dust the surface with flour and do the same with the rolling pin.
Roll the pastry out to the desired thickness and shape for the recipe that you are following.
Recipe for shortcrust pastry (for a 9 inch pastry case)
8 oz (225g) of plain flour
4 oz (115g) of butter or 2 oz (55g) each of butter and lard
3 - 4 tbsp of ice cold water
pinch of salt
Sift the flour and salt into a large bowl, lifting the sieve high above the bowl.
Cut the chilled fat into small pieces and add to the flour.
Using a knife, cut the butter and work it into the flour.
Use your fingertips to rub the fat into the flour until a breadcrumb like mixture is obtained.
Sprinkle the water, 1 tbsp at a time, evenly over the flour and fat mixture.
Begin to bind all of the ingredients together using a round-bladed knife.
As the mixture starts to come together, finish off by using your hands, until all the mixture has been incorporated and a round ball of dough has been formed.
Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Remove the dough from the fridge, allow to warm up and knead gently on a lightly floured clean surface.
Roll out to desired thickness.
Two-crust pie
To make a two-crust pie, as opposed to a pie with just a pastry base, the proportions of the ingredients must be increased by 50%. This is due to the fact that the pastry dough must be divided into two pieces and therefore more pastry is required. The first piece is rolled out and used to line the base of the pastry tin, the filling is added, and the second piece of pastry is then placed over the top of the filling, like a lid.
Therefore, for a 9 inch pastry case, you will need 12 oz (340 g) of plain flour, 6 oz (170 g) of fat, 5 - 6 tbsp of iced water and ½ tsp of salt.
Rich shortcrust pastry
This is basically the same as shortcrust pastry but it is richer in flavour and crumblier in texture, due to the higher amount of fat used. To make a sweetcrust pastry to be used for sweet pies or tarts, add 1 oz (30 g) of caster sugar to the ingredients below.
For a 9 inch pastry case made from rich shortcrust pastry, you will need: 8 oz (225 g) plain flour, 6 oz (170 g) butter, 2 - 3 tbsp of water, 1 egg yolk and a pinch of salt. For a two-crust pie, increase the proportions by 50% as above.
RESEP PUDING TAPAI KELAPA MUDA - Kembali lagi bersma kami Resto Cafe dimana kami akan memberikan resep masakan terbaru yang mungkin bermanfaat untuk anda, dimana pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan memberikan resep puding untuk anda.
banyak sekali sih sebenarnya untuk resep puding yang dimana memang puding ini juga sangat enak dan juga sangat menyenangkan, anak juga menyukainya, tidak hanya orang dewasa saja.
lihat saja Resep Puding Tapai Kelapa Muda di bawah ini :
1. 4 butir telur, kocok lepas
2. 200 gram gula pasir
3. ¼ sdt vanili
4. 1/8 sdt garam
5. 8-10 lembar roti tawar, buang kulitnya
6. 1 liter santan
7. 300 gram tapai nasi ketan, tiriskan
8. 400 ml santan
9. 200 gram daging kelapa muda, keruk
10. 100 gram kismis
11. 1 sdm margarin
Cara membuat resep puding tapai kelapa muda:
1. Campur telur, gula pasir, vanili, dan garam. Aduk rata. Sisihkan. Rendam oti dalam santan sampai lunak. Sisihkan
2. Susun roti dan tapai dalam loyang yang sudah diolesi dengan margarin. Tuang dengan campuran telur. Beri daging buah kelapa dan kismis di atasnya. Oleskan margarin diatas roti
3. Panggang dalam oven sampai matang dan kecokelatan. Angkat, sajikan hangat.
banyak sekali sih sebenarnya untuk resep puding yang dimana memang puding ini juga sangat enak dan juga sangat menyenangkan, anak juga menyukainya, tidak hanya orang dewasa saja.
lihat saja Resep Puding Tapai Kelapa Muda di bawah ini :
1. 4 butir telur, kocok lepas
2. 200 gram gula pasir
3. ¼ sdt vanili
4. 1/8 sdt garam
5. 8-10 lembar roti tawar, buang kulitnya
6. 1 liter santan
7. 300 gram tapai nasi ketan, tiriskan
8. 400 ml santan
9. 200 gram daging kelapa muda, keruk
10. 100 gram kismis
11. 1 sdm margarin
Cara membuat resep puding tapai kelapa muda:
1. Campur telur, gula pasir, vanili, dan garam. Aduk rata. Sisihkan. Rendam oti dalam santan sampai lunak. Sisihkan
2. Susun roti dan tapai dalam loyang yang sudah diolesi dengan margarin. Tuang dengan campuran telur. Beri daging buah kelapa dan kismis di atasnya. Oleskan margarin diatas roti
3. Panggang dalam oven sampai matang dan kecokelatan. Angkat, sajikan hangat.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Resep PUff Pastry Part 2
Classic Puff Pastry
Source: King Arthur Flour 200th Anniversary Cookbook
1 pound (4 cups) unbleached all purposed flour(or 3 ½ cups all-purposed + ½ cup cornstarch/cornflour
1 pound (4 sticks) unsalted butter, ½ stick chilled, the rest at room temperature
1 – 2 tsp salt (1 for sweet, 2 for savory)
1 ¼ cups cold water(or substitute it with 1 Tbs lemon juice for 1 water if you wish to further temper the gluten in the flour)
Measure the flour into a mixing bowl. Remove ½ cup and set it aside in another bowl.

Butter (Block)
When all 6 turns are done, put the dough in the refrigerator for at least an hour (and preferable overnight) before shaping.
After being thoroughly chilled, the dough can be shaped into croissants, patty shells, twists, straws, etc. Scraps can be chilled and rerolled.
Like other pastry doughs, you can freeze puff pasty in a non-self defrosting freezer for up to a year if it's well wrapped. It can also be frozen at any time during rolling, folding, turning process. Defrost it thoroughly before you use it, just to make sure it does not get too soft.
Source: King Arthur Flour 200th Anniversary Cookbook
1 pound (4 cups) unbleached all purposed flour(or 3 ½ cups all-purposed + ½ cup cornstarch/cornflour
1 pound (4 sticks) unsalted butter, ½ stick chilled, the rest at room temperature
1 – 2 tsp salt (1 for sweet, 2 for savory)
1 ¼ cups cold water(or substitute it with 1 Tbs lemon juice for 1 water if you wish to further temper the gluten in the flour)
Measure the flour into a mixing bowl. Remove ½ cup and set it aside in another bowl.
Take the half stick of chilled butter, cut it into small pieces and drop it into the flour. With two knives, a pastry blender or your fingertips, cut or rub the butter into the flour until it resembles cornmeal.
Add the salt (and optional lemon juice) to the water and add this to the flour. Mix gently with a fork until you have a rough dough that pulls away from the sides of the bowl. If you need to add more water, do it a tablespoon at a time until the dough holds together.
Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until it is smooth and the gluten has been somewhat developed, about 2-3 minutes. Wrap it in plastic and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
Butter (Block)
Take the remainder of the butter and the reserved flour and mix the two together until they're well blended and smooth. You can do this with a mixer, a food processor or with a spoon, by hand.
Pat this butter/flour mixture into an 8-inch square on a lightly floured piece of waxed paper. Cover it with second sheet of waxed paper and refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes. By mixing the butter with flour, you stabilize it somewhat so it won't decide to 'flow'.
Remove the dough from the refrigerator and put it on a lightly floured surface. Gently roll it into a square about 12 inches on a side. You don't have to be obsessive about the dimension but be pretty close.
Put the butter square in the centre of the dough square but turn it so that the corners of the butter square point toward the sides of the dough square. Fold the corners of the dough over the butter until they meet in the middle. Pinch and seal the edges of the dough together.
Turn the square over and tap it gently with your rolling pin or by hand into a rectangular shape. Rolling the dough into a larger rectangle 20 inches long and 10 inches wide.
When the dough is the right size, fold the bottom third of the dough up to the centre and the top third over and turn the dough package ¼ turn to the right so it looks like a book ready to be opened. If the dough is still nice and cold and still relaxed, do another rolling and turning the same way. (If it begins feel too soft or wants to resist being rolled, cover it, put it on a small baking sheet and refrigerate it for 15 minutes).
If you've successfully rolled it out and folded it twice, you've completed 2 turns. Classic puff pastry gets six. Continue refrigerating it after each 2 turns (or more often if necessary) until all 6 turns are completed.
Put the butter square in the centre of the dough square but turn it so that the corners of the butter square point toward the sides of the dough square. Fold the corners of the dough over the butter until they meet in the middle. Pinch and seal the edges of the dough together.
Turn the square over and tap it gently with your rolling pin or by hand into a rectangular shape. Rolling the dough into a larger rectangle 20 inches long and 10 inches wide.
When the dough is the right size, fold the bottom third of the dough up to the centre and the top third over and turn the dough package ¼ turn to the right so it looks like a book ready to be opened. If the dough is still nice and cold and still relaxed, do another rolling and turning the same way. (If it begins feel too soft or wants to resist being rolled, cover it, put it on a small baking sheet and refrigerate it for 15 minutes).
If you've successfully rolled it out and folded it twice, you've completed 2 turns. Classic puff pastry gets six. Continue refrigerating it after each 2 turns (or more often if necessary) until all 6 turns are completed.
When all 6 turns are done, put the dough in the refrigerator for at least an hour (and preferable overnight) before shaping.
After being thoroughly chilled, the dough can be shaped into croissants, patty shells, twists, straws, etc. Scraps can be chilled and rerolled.
Like other pastry doughs, you can freeze puff pasty in a non-self defrosting freezer for up to a year if it's well wrapped. It can also be frozen at any time during rolling, folding, turning process. Defrost it thoroughly before you use it, just to make sure it does not get too soft.
aneka rasa,
aneka resep masakan,
resep kue
United States
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Resep PUff Pastry
1 2/3 cups (250g) plain flour
125g unsalted butter, chilled, finely chopped
1 egg, chilled
Add above ingredients to your shopping list
Process flour, butter and a pinch of salt in a food processor until mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
Whisk egg and 1 tbs chilled water in a bowl until combined, then with food processor motor running, add to flour mixture. Process until mixture begins to form large clumps, stopping machine before mixture forms a ball.
Turn pastry out on to a work surface and knead gently to bring together. Form into a disc for a round tart or into a log shape for a rectangular tart. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight or for at least 2 hours.
Variations: Cornmeal pastry - Follow basic pastry recipe, reducing plain flour to 200g and adding 50g fine polenta with the flour. Sweet pastry - Follow basic pastry recipe, adding 80g sifted icing sugar with the flour and replacing egg with 2 egg yolks. Parmesan pastry - Follow basic pastry recipe, adding 50g finely grated parmesan with the flour.
125g unsalted butter, chilled, finely chopped
1 egg, chilled
Add above ingredients to your shopping list
Process flour, butter and a pinch of salt in a food processor until mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
Whisk egg and 1 tbs chilled water in a bowl until combined, then with food processor motor running, add to flour mixture. Process until mixture begins to form large clumps, stopping machine before mixture forms a ball.
Turn pastry out on to a work surface and knead gently to bring together. Form into a disc for a round tart or into a log shape for a rectangular tart. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight or for at least 2 hours.
Variations: Cornmeal pastry - Follow basic pastry recipe, reducing plain flour to 200g and adding 50g fine polenta with the flour. Sweet pastry - Follow basic pastry recipe, adding 80g sifted icing sugar with the flour and replacing egg with 2 egg yolks. Parmesan pastry - Follow basic pastry recipe, adding 50g finely grated parmesan with the flour.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Cara Membuat Omelet Keju
Bahan :
2 sdm minyak goreng
3 butir telur
1/4 sdt garam
1/4 sdt merica bubuk
3 sdm susu cair
4 buah jamur kancing, iris
20 gram keju cheddar, parut
50 gram keju mozzarella
Pelengkap :
Kentang goreng
Cara membuat :
Panaskan minyak goreng dalam wajan anti lengket.
Kocok lepas telur, masukkan garam, merica, dan susu cair, aduk rata. Masukkan keju parut dan jamur.
Tuangkan adonan ke dalam wajan panas, tata irisan keju mozzarella diatasnya dan buat dadar hingga matang, angkat.
Sajikan hangat dengan kentang goreng
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Resep Green Tea Cookies
Matcha (green tea powder) can add great flavor and color to many sweets. When you want to make green cookies, try making matcha flacored cookies.
1 cup butter
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 large egg, beaten
1 Tbsp matcha green tea powder
2 1/2 cup flour
Cream butter in a large bowl. Add sugar and mix well. Next, add egg and mix well. Sift flour and green tea powder together. Add it in the dough and mix lightly. Wrap the dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 340 degrees F. Roll the dough on floured board into 1/4 inch thick and cut out cookies. Place cookies on a lined baking pan. Bake cookies in the oven for about 10-15 minutes.
1 cup butter
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 large egg, beaten
1 Tbsp matcha green tea powder
2 1/2 cup flour
Cream butter in a large bowl. Add sugar and mix well. Next, add egg and mix well. Sift flour and green tea powder together. Add it in the dough and mix lightly. Wrap the dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 340 degrees F. Roll the dough on floured board into 1/4 inch thick and cut out cookies. Place cookies on a lined baking pan. Bake cookies in the oven for about 10-15 minutes.
Resep Es Timun - Cara Membuat Es Timun
Es Timun ?? bukan hanya timun doank lo,, Es timun cocoknya diminum waktu berbuka puasa,, kan bentar lagi mau Ramadhan... :)
Resep Es Timun :
1. Timun Serut,, di sebat, buang bijinya.
2. Belewah,,
3. Es batu
4. Siroup Melon atau gula cair
5. Air Jeruk Nipis
6. Nata de coco
Garnish dengan kiwi, melon dan daun mint, dan jeruk nipis.
Cara Membuat Es Timun
1. Siapkan gelas besar tata, Es batu,tuang syirup melon, masukkan timun serut, nata decoco, sesendok air jeruk, dan serbat belewah,dan hias dengan melon, daun mint atau kiwi sebagai garnish
2. Hidangkan.
Sajikan dan nnikmati kesegaran es timun saat berbuka puasa.
Resep Es Timun :
1. Timun Serut,, di sebat, buang bijinya.
2. Belewah,,
3. Es batu
4. Siroup Melon atau gula cair
5. Air Jeruk Nipis
6. Nata de coco
Garnish dengan kiwi, melon dan daun mint, dan jeruk nipis.
Cara Membuat Es Timun
1. Siapkan gelas besar tata, Es batu,tuang syirup melon, masukkan timun serut, nata decoco, sesendok air jeruk, dan serbat belewah,dan hias dengan melon, daun mint atau kiwi sebagai garnish
2. Hidangkan.
Sajikan dan nnikmati kesegaran es timun saat berbuka puasa.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Cornflakes Cookies (YummY and CruncHY)
Preparation Time
10 minutes
Cooking Time
20 minutes
Ingredients (serves 20)
125g butter
140g (2/3 cup, firmly packed) brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 eggs, at room temperature
275g (1 3/4 cups) self-raising flour
170g (1 cup) sultanas
80g (1 1/2 cups) cornflakes, lightly crushed
Preheat oven to 180°C. Line 2 baking trays with non-stick baking paper. Use an electric beater to beat together the butter, sugar and vanilla in a large bowl until pale and creamy.
Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition until combined. Fold in flour and sultanas until combined.
Place the cornflakes on a plate. Use your hands to roll tablespoonfuls of the cookie mixture into balls, then roll in cornflakes to coat. Place the balls, about 3cm apart to allow room for spreading, on prepared trays.
Bake in preheated oven, swapping trays halfway through cooking, for 18-20 minutes or until golden. Remove from oven. Set aside on the trays for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
These cookies will keep in an airtight container out of direct sunlight for up to 3 days.
10 minutes
Cooking Time
20 minutes
Ingredients (serves 20)
125g butter
140g (2/3 cup, firmly packed) brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 eggs, at room temperature
275g (1 3/4 cups) self-raising flour
170g (1 cup) sultanas
80g (1 1/2 cups) cornflakes, lightly crushed
Preheat oven to 180°C. Line 2 baking trays with non-stick baking paper. Use an electric beater to beat together the butter, sugar and vanilla in a large bowl until pale and creamy.
Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition until combined. Fold in flour and sultanas until combined.
Place the cornflakes on a plate. Use your hands to roll tablespoonfuls of the cookie mixture into balls, then roll in cornflakes to coat. Place the balls, about 3cm apart to allow room for spreading, on prepared trays.
Bake in preheated oven, swapping trays halfway through cooking, for 18-20 minutes or until golden. Remove from oven. Set aside on the trays for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
These cookies will keep in an airtight container out of direct sunlight for up to 3 days.
Monday, July 18, 2011
RESEP COOKIES HOVERMUT - Kembali bersama kami Resto Cafe, dimana kami akan memberikan berita dan artikel terbaru kami mengenai Resep Kue, dimana khusus untuk ibu muda yang ingin belajar membuat kue dan resep masakan yang lainnya anda bisa melihatnya disini!!
Bahan untuk membuat Cookies Hovermut
110 gram mentega tidak asin
85 gram gula merah
1 butir telur
1 sendok makan susu
1/2 sendok teh vinali
60 gram tepung
1/4 sendok teh soda kue
1/4 sendok teh garam
6 sendok makan hovermut instan
3 sendok makan kelapa parut
Cara membuat
1. Kocok mentega dan gula dengan kocokan listrik (mixer) hingga gula larut seluruhnya dan adonan mengembang
2. Masukkan telur dan kocok rata dengan mixer. Tambahkan susu dan vanili, aduk rata dengan spatula.
3. Ayak tepung, soda kue, dan garam menjadi sutu. Masukkan ke dalam adonan dan kocok dengan mixer hingga rata. Tambahkan havermutdan kelapa parut, dan kocok terus hingga adonan menjadi halus rata.
4. Bagi adonan menjadi 24 bagian dan bentuk menjadi bola-bola. Letakkan setiap bola di atas telapak tangan dan tekan sedikit untuk membentuk cookies (kue kering). Atur di loyang yang telah diolesi mentega dengan jarak 2 cm antara satu dengan lainnya. Panggang dalam oven yan telah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu sampai suhu 180 derajat celcius / 350 derajat fahrenheit selama 15 menit atau hingga kuning kecoklatan. Dinginkan dan hidangkan atau dapat disimpan di wadah (toples) yang kedap udara.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Resep Kue Bola Goreng Rasa Pisang
Resep Kue Bola Goreng Rasa Pisang - BAnyak sekali macamnya untuk Resep Kue ini, dimana kreatifitas manusia sangat beragam dan terus berkembang, seperti juga Kue, para Chef selalu membuat inovasi baru untuk pembuatan Kue Terbaru meraka, langsung saja anda lihat resep Kue dari kami di bawah ini.
Bahan yang diperlukan
Resep Kue Bola Goreng Rasa Pisang
1). 50 gram gula castor
40 ml susu kental manis
1/2 butir telur
1 sendok makan minyak
1/2 sendok teh garam
2). 150 gram pisang matang, dikupas
3). 50 gram tepung beras ketan
20 gram tepung custard
120 gram tepung terigu
Cara membuat Kue Bola Goreng Rasa Pisang
1. Campur bahan (1), aduk rata, Lumatkan pisang
2. Aduk bahan (1) dengan pisang dan tambahkan juga bahan (3). Aduk terus hingga adonan menjadi lembut dan bentuk menjadi bola-bola.
3. Panaskan minyak goreng secukupnya hingga benar-benar panas. kemudian kecilkan apinya.
4. Goreng bola-bola hingga terapung di permukaan dan berwarna cokelat muda. Angkat dan tiriskan.
5. Besarkan apinya dan goreng lagi bola-bolanya sampai berwarna kuning kecokelatan. Angkat, tiriskan di atas kertas tisu, dan hidangkan.
Bahan yang diperlukan
Resep Kue Bola Goreng Rasa Pisang
1). 50 gram gula castor
40 ml susu kental manis
1/2 butir telur
1 sendok makan minyak
1/2 sendok teh garam
2). 150 gram pisang matang, dikupas
3). 50 gram tepung beras ketan
20 gram tepung custard
120 gram tepung terigu
Cara membuat Kue Bola Goreng Rasa Pisang
1. Campur bahan (1), aduk rata, Lumatkan pisang
2. Aduk bahan (1) dengan pisang dan tambahkan juga bahan (3). Aduk terus hingga adonan menjadi lembut dan bentuk menjadi bola-bola.
3. Panaskan minyak goreng secukupnya hingga benar-benar panas. kemudian kecilkan apinya.
4. Goreng bola-bola hingga terapung di permukaan dan berwarna cokelat muda. Angkat dan tiriskan.
5. Besarkan apinya dan goreng lagi bola-bolanya sampai berwarna kuning kecokelatan. Angkat, tiriskan di atas kertas tisu, dan hidangkan.
Resep Saos Sambal Botolan ABC
Bahan Saus Sambal Kemasan :
- Cabai rawit merah 100 gram
- Cabai merah besar 100 gram
- Garam 25 gram
- Gula pasir 125 gram
- Modified Starch Saus 30 gram
- Cuka 25% 10 ml
- Sodium Benzoat 2 gram
- Anti Oksidan 0,5 gram
- Bumbu masak 2 gram
- Bawang putih giling 6 gram
- Merica bubuk secukupnya
- Air 600 ml
- Pewarna secukupnya
- Haluskan cabai merah besar dan cabai rawit dengan blender, sisihkan.
- Larutkan modified starch dan 100 ml air, sisihkan.
- Campur gula dan 500 ml air, masak hingga mendidih dan gula larut.
- Tambahkan cabai merah yang sudah dihaluskan, aduk rata.
- Masukkan garam, bumbu masak, sodium benzoat, anti oksidan, garam, merica dan pewarna. Aduk rata.
- Tuang campuran modified starch sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk hingga rata.
- Masukkan cuka, aduk rata.
- Angkat dan biarkan uap panasnya hilang, saus sambal siap dikemas.
- Cabai rawit bisa dikurangi atau ditambah sesuai selera untuk menyetel tingkat kepedasan.
- Agar tidak langu, rebus dahulu cabai sebelum digiling selama 10 – 15 menit terhitung setelah air mendidih.
- Cuka berfungsi sebagai pemberi rasa asam pada sambal, agar pengawet bekerja maksimal. Untuk memperoleh cuka 25% sebanyak 100 ml, dengan biaya lebih murah saja 75 ml air mineral ( aquadest ) dengan 25 ml Acetic Acid Glasial.
- Sodium benzoat berfungsi sebagai pengawet, bersama-sama cuka 25% akan mengawetkan sambal agar tidak cepat rusak.
- Anti oksidan berfungsi untuk mencegah terjadinya perubahan warna.
- Modified starch saus berfungsi sebagai pengental dan pada penyimpanan baik suhu rendah atau tinggi, viskositas atau kekentalannya lebih stabil. Tidak disarankan menggunakan pengental dari tepung kanji / tapioka karena dalam penyimpanan bisa menimbulkan air dan kekentalannya tidak stabil.
- Pewarna yang digunakan adalah peawarna makanan atau bisa juga carmoisine / Ponceau 4R. Fungsi pewarna disini agar sambal yang dihasilkan warnanya bisa bagus.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Resep Ebi Furai Gampang Ala Hokben
Kebetulan punya udang jerbung di kulkas. bingung mo diapain, mo digoreng mentega kayaknya lagi ga pengen, di balado campur kentang bosen juga... akhirnya ujung ujungnya pengen bikina ebi furainya hoka hoka bento aja. kebetulan ada resepnya mbak rina di milis belajar masakan & dimodifikasi dikit. Ternyata rasanya emang enak banget, ga kalah sama ebi furainya hoka hoka bento deh...he..he... Dimakan pake sambal botolan & sedikit aku campur saus thausand island... hmm, yummy banget (he..he.. emang dasarnya suka udang seh..)

Udang Jerbung
Tepung Panko (tepung roti yang berbutir besar)
Tepung terigu
Telur ayam kocok
2 sdm air jeruk nipis
Lada bubuk
Bawang putih bubuk
Garam secukupnya
Cara masak :
1. Bersihkan udang & Kulitnya, kecuali bagian ekor, besihkan kotorannya, kerat bagian atas dan bawah. beri air jeruk nipis sebentar agar tidak amis, cuci & tiriskan.
2. Baluri udang dengan bumbu( bawang putih, merica & garam sesuai selera), taruh dalam wadah tertutup & diamkan selama kurang lebih 15 menit biar bumbu meresap.
3. Baluri udang dengan tepung terigu.
4. Celup udang ke telur kocok.
Bila ingin lebih tebal tepungnya bisa diulang no.3-4.
5. Baluri udang dengan tepung roti panko
6.. Masukkan udang ke dalam kulkas selama minimal 1 jam (supaya tepung panko
7. Goreng hingga warna panko kuning keemasan (jangan sampai coklat).
**Saya sering juga langsung membuatnya banyak & saya simpan di freezer. Jika ingin makan, tinggal menggorengnya. Rasa tetap enak kok.
Udang Jerbung
Tepung Panko (tepung roti yang berbutir besar)
Tepung terigu
Telur ayam kocok
2 sdm air jeruk nipis
Lada bubuk
Bawang putih bubuk
Garam secukupnya
Cara masak :
1. Bersihkan udang & Kulitnya, kecuali bagian ekor, besihkan kotorannya, kerat bagian atas dan bawah. beri air jeruk nipis sebentar agar tidak amis, cuci & tiriskan.
2. Baluri udang dengan bumbu( bawang putih, merica & garam sesuai selera), taruh dalam wadah tertutup & diamkan selama kurang lebih 15 menit biar bumbu meresap.
3. Baluri udang dengan tepung terigu.
4. Celup udang ke telur kocok.
Bila ingin lebih tebal tepungnya bisa diulang no.3-4.
5. Baluri udang dengan tepung roti panko
6.. Masukkan udang ke dalam kulkas selama minimal 1 jam (supaya tepung panko
7. Goreng hingga warna panko kuning keemasan (jangan sampai coklat).
**Saya sering juga langsung membuatnya banyak & saya simpan di freezer. Jika ingin makan, tinggal menggorengnya. Rasa tetap enak kok.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Resep Udang Goreng Mayonaise Gampang ala Hokben
Udang Goreng Mayonaise
ala Mom’s (mohon maaf klo ga sesuai pakem)
ala Mom’s (mohon maaf klo ga sesuai pakem)
Bahan :
250 gr udang buang kulitnya sisakan bagian ekor, bersihkan dan lumuri air jeruk lemon/nipis
3 sdm tepung terigu
tepung roti/breadcrumb secukupnya
1 butir telur kocok lepas
3 sdm tepung terigu
tepung roti/breadcrumb secukupnya
1 butir telur kocok lepas
perendam udang :
1 sdm kecap ikan
1 sdm minyak wijen
merica bubuk
1 sdm minyak wijen
merica bubuk
mayonaise :
2 sdm mayonaise
1 sdm susu kental manis
1 sdm air jeruk lemon (ato sesuai selera)
oregano (selera juga soale aku seneng banget ma italian herb yang harumnya khas)
Campur semua bahan jadi satu
1 sdm susu kental manis
1 sdm air jeruk lemon (ato sesuai selera)
oregano (selera juga soale aku seneng banget ma italian herb yang harumnya khas)
Campur semua bahan jadi satu
Caranya :
Masukkan dalam kocokan telur, gulingkan di tepung (me : tepung terigu dulu baru breadcrumb bisa juga cuman salah satunya aja sesuai selera ndiri2 ya)
Goreng dalam minyak panas
Sajikan dengan saus mayonaise
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Resep Kake Udon
Kake Udon
Makes 4 servings1 batch udon noodles (recipe above, or enough store bought noodles for 4 servings)
1 cup water
2 cups soy sauce
1 1/2 cups mirin
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1.8 ounces katsuobushi (dried fish flakes)
6 3/4 cups dashi
finely sliced scallions, to taste
shichimi togarashi or chili powder, to taste (optional)
1. In a large pot, combine the water, soy sauce, mirin, and sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low, and add the katsuobushi. When the mixture comes to a boil again, turn off the heat and let the mixture stand for 2 minutes. Then strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve, or a sieve lined with a double layer of cheesecloth, and discard the katsuobushi.
2. Separate the udon noodles into 4 separate deep bowls.
3. Add the dashi to the mixture in the pot and heat over high heat. When the mixture comes to a boil, turn the heat off and pour it over the udon noodles. Sprinkle with scallions and shichimi togarashi, to taste and serve.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Resep Es Dawet - Es Dawet Telasih
Es Dawet Telasih - dimana banyak sekali para penggemar es yang telah mengakui kalau es dawet termasuk es yang banyak diminati oleh kebanyakan orang, jadi kami akan memberikan resep es dawet Telasih ini untuk anda semua.
½ kg tepung beras dibuat cendol
¼ kg tepung beras, campurkan dengan santan dari ½ butir kelapa dan garam secukupnya lalu buatlah bubur sum-sum
1 kg gula pasir, cairkan
¼ kg ketan hitam, tambahkan gula secukupnya lalu direbus menjadi bubur ketan
½ ons telasih
2 butir kelapa, ½ butir dibuat santan untuk jenang dan 1½ butir dibuat santan untuk kuah
Air perasan daun suji secukupnya
Daun pandan secukupnya
Air secukupnya
Es serut secukupnya
Cara membuat:
Membuat cendol:
Campurkan ¾ kg tepung beras dengan air hingga berwujud adonan yang kental,
Masaklah dan aduk terus selama kurang lebih satu jam,
Bubuhkan air daun suji sebagai pewarna dan masukkan daun pandan,
Setelah matang, bentuklah adonan itu menjadi cendol dengan ayakan cendol lalu rebus kembali beberapa menit.
Siapkan mangkuk es,
Masukkan cendol, bubur ketan hitam, bubur sumsum dan telasih secukupnya,
Guyurkan gula cair dan santan secukupnya,
Masukkan es serut sesuai selera,
Es dawet telasih siap mengobati dahaga.
Nb: Kalau pembuatan cendol terlalu rumit, bisadiganti dengan cendol langsung jadi yang bisa dibeli di pasar – pasar tradisional. Harganya terjangkau.
Untuk 10 porsi
Resep Udon Jepang
Makes 4 servings
4 teaspoons salt
8 ounces (1 cup) warm water
2 1/2 cups unbleached bread flour
1 1/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
bread flour, for dusting (in step 6)
1. Add the salt to the warm water and stir until it has dissolved. Put the bread flour and all-purpose flour in a large bowl, and whisk the flours together.
2. Pour the salty water into the bowl with the flour. Using your hands, mix the flour and water together lightly until the mixture is crumbly. Pull the dough up from the bottom of the bowl and press down, and repeat until the flour and water are well combined and a rough ball is formed.
3. Take the dough out of the bowl and knead it forcefully on a board for 5-10 minutes until the dough has smoothed out and a lumpy ball is formed.
4. Transfer the dough to a large plastic ziploc bag, and then wrap the bag in a thick towel. Put it on the floor and walk on it with flat feet (not just the heel). Turn as you walk, so that all the dough gets flattened. When the dough feels flat, remove the dough from the bag and roll it out. Then fold it up, put it back into the bag and repeat the process. The should become more and more smooth with each repeat. Repeat 3 or 4 times. On the last repeat, leave the dough in the bag, wrapped in the towel, and let it rest for 3 to 4 hours (during the winter, leave it in a warm place).
5. When the dough is done resting, take it out of the bag, reshape it into a ball, then return it to the bag and walk on it one last time. Try to spread the dough with your feet, turning around 360 degrees.
6. Dust your work surface with a bit of bread flour, then place the flattened dough on top and roll it out, working from the middle out. Rotate the dough 45 degrees and repeat until the dough is about 1/8-inch thick, and approximately a rectangle measuring about 1 foot wide by at least 1 1/2 feet long.*
7. Dust the top of the dough with bread flour and then fold it into thirds. Using a long sharp knife, cut the dough into 1/4-inch to 1/8-inch thick ribbons. If the dough gets very sticky, dust it again with bread flour. Dust the noodles with bread flour before moving them from the work surface.
8. Cook the noodles: Fill a large pot with water and bring to a rapid boil. Lightly shake any excess flour from the noodles and add them to the boiling water. Using cooking chopsticks, or a wooden spoon, stir the noodles to prevent them from sticking to each other. Cook the noodles for 6 — 7 minutes, or until they are translucent and firm without a hard core. Drain the noodles in a sieve and rinse under cold running water so they cool rapidly.
9. Once the noodles are cool enough to handle, separate them with your hands and rinse them again in cold water to make sure that all of the starch is removed.
*Rolled out dough can be wrapped in plastic wrap and refrigerated for up to 3 days, or frozen for up to 2 weeks. Bring the dough to room temperature before sprinkling it with flour and continuing on with step 7.

Then you begin to knead the dough by hand. The dough will slowly come together into a more cohesive ball.

Then you put the dough in a large ziploc bag, and wrap the bag in a thick towel.

This is where the fun really begins. Now you get to do the rest of the kneading with your feet! If you have kids that are anything like Squirrel, they will love helping with the kneading.

You could continue kneading with your hands, but the stiff dough becomes soft and pliable much quicker through using your feet! The kneading helps give the noodles their wonderful chewy texture. You knead the dough this way by walking on it with your whole foot (not just your heel) and turning as you go, so that all of the dough is worked on. You alternate kneading and then rolling the dough out,

and folding it. The more you knead and fold, the smoother and neater your dough will become, and you can work towards forming it into a rectangle.

Then you knead it one more time and leave it in the bag, wrapped in the towel, to rest for 3 to 4 hours. After the dough has rested, you shape the dough into a ball,

put it back in the bag and knead it one last time. Then you roll out the flattened dough, trying to make it roughly rectangular in shape. Then you fold it into thirds, and use a sharp knife to slice it into1/8″–1/4″ ribbons. I made our slices a bit thicker because Mr. Fuji loves thick chewy noodles.

Then you add the noodles to a pot of boiling water, using some chopsticks to lightly stir the noodles and help separate them. After the noodles have cooked for about 6 minutes, and are translucent and firm without a hard core, drain the noodles and then rinse them under cold running water so that they cool rapidly, and continue rinsing them to ensure that all the starch is removed from the surface. Don’t worry if your noodles aren’t perfect—they will still look beautiful and be delicious!


Once your noodles are done, you separate them into bowls and pour hot broth over them, top them with sliced scallions, and add a bit of shichimi togarashi if you want a bit of spice! The chewy noodles are delicious with the simple broth, and you’ll find they quickly disappear.
4 teaspoons salt
8 ounces (1 cup) warm water
2 1/2 cups unbleached bread flour
1 1/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
bread flour, for dusting (in step 6)
1. Add the salt to the warm water and stir until it has dissolved. Put the bread flour and all-purpose flour in a large bowl, and whisk the flours together.
2. Pour the salty water into the bowl with the flour. Using your hands, mix the flour and water together lightly until the mixture is crumbly. Pull the dough up from the bottom of the bowl and press down, and repeat until the flour and water are well combined and a rough ball is formed.
3. Take the dough out of the bowl and knead it forcefully on a board for 5-10 minutes until the dough has smoothed out and a lumpy ball is formed.
4. Transfer the dough to a large plastic ziploc bag, and then wrap the bag in a thick towel. Put it on the floor and walk on it with flat feet (not just the heel). Turn as you walk, so that all the dough gets flattened. When the dough feels flat, remove the dough from the bag and roll it out. Then fold it up, put it back into the bag and repeat the process. The should become more and more smooth with each repeat. Repeat 3 or 4 times. On the last repeat, leave the dough in the bag, wrapped in the towel, and let it rest for 3 to 4 hours (during the winter, leave it in a warm place).
5. When the dough is done resting, take it out of the bag, reshape it into a ball, then return it to the bag and walk on it one last time. Try to spread the dough with your feet, turning around 360 degrees.
6. Dust your work surface with a bit of bread flour, then place the flattened dough on top and roll it out, working from the middle out. Rotate the dough 45 degrees and repeat until the dough is about 1/8-inch thick, and approximately a rectangle measuring about 1 foot wide by at least 1 1/2 feet long.*
7. Dust the top of the dough with bread flour and then fold it into thirds. Using a long sharp knife, cut the dough into 1/4-inch to 1/8-inch thick ribbons. If the dough gets very sticky, dust it again with bread flour. Dust the noodles with bread flour before moving them from the work surface.
8. Cook the noodles: Fill a large pot with water and bring to a rapid boil. Lightly shake any excess flour from the noodles and add them to the boiling water. Using cooking chopsticks, or a wooden spoon, stir the noodles to prevent them from sticking to each other. Cook the noodles for 6 — 7 minutes, or until they are translucent and firm without a hard core. Drain the noodles in a sieve and rinse under cold running water so they cool rapidly.
9. Once the noodles are cool enough to handle, separate them with your hands and rinse them again in cold water to make sure that all of the starch is removed.
*Rolled out dough can be wrapped in plastic wrap and refrigerated for up to 3 days, or frozen for up to 2 weeks. Bring the dough to room temperature before sprinkling it with flour and continuing on with step 7.
How To Make Handmade Udon Noodles
Making udon noodles is a simple process. You start by mixing wheat flour (I use a combination of bread flour and all-purpose flour), water and salt in a bowl. The dough at this point is very rough and shaggy.Then you begin to knead the dough by hand. The dough will slowly come together into a more cohesive ball.
Then you put the dough in a large ziploc bag, and wrap the bag in a thick towel.
This is where the fun really begins. Now you get to do the rest of the kneading with your feet! If you have kids that are anything like Squirrel, they will love helping with the kneading.
You could continue kneading with your hands, but the stiff dough becomes soft and pliable much quicker through using your feet! The kneading helps give the noodles their wonderful chewy texture. You knead the dough this way by walking on it with your whole foot (not just your heel) and turning as you go, so that all of the dough is worked on. You alternate kneading and then rolling the dough out,
and folding it. The more you knead and fold, the smoother and neater your dough will become, and you can work towards forming it into a rectangle.
Then you knead it one more time and leave it in the bag, wrapped in the towel, to rest for 3 to 4 hours. After the dough has rested, you shape the dough into a ball,
put it back in the bag and knead it one last time. Then you roll out the flattened dough, trying to make it roughly rectangular in shape. Then you fold it into thirds, and use a sharp knife to slice it into1/8″–1/4″ ribbons. I made our slices a bit thicker because Mr. Fuji loves thick chewy noodles.
Then you add the noodles to a pot of boiling water, using some chopsticks to lightly stir the noodles and help separate them. After the noodles have cooked for about 6 minutes, and are translucent and firm without a hard core, drain the noodles and then rinse them under cold running water so that they cool rapidly, and continue rinsing them to ensure that all the starch is removed from the surface. Don’t worry if your noodles aren’t perfect—they will still look beautiful and be delicious!
Once your noodles are done, you separate them into bowls and pour hot broth over them, top them with sliced scallions, and add a bit of shichimi togarashi if you want a bit of spice! The chewy noodles are delicious with the simple broth, and you’ll find they quickly disappear.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Resep Ekkado Asli Jepang
Ekado Recipes
Food origin of this increasingly popular Japanese society, with the following recipe, you can create your own.Ingredients :
- Poached quail eggs, 20 eggs, poached
- Beancurd, 200 grams, cut into 10×10 cm, warm water soak, drain
- Cooking oil, 400 ml
- Shrimp peeled, 200 g, finely chopped
- Chopped chicken meat, 100 grams
- Chicken eggs, a grain
- Tapioca flour, 1 tablespoon
- Garlic, 4 cloves, mashed
- Pepper powder, 1 teaspoon
- Salt, to taste
- Granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon
- Sesame oil, 2 tablespoons
- Salt, to taste
- Contents: Mix all ingredients, stirring until blended.
- Take a sheet of beancurd, place 1 tablespoon of dough contents and a quail egg. Place 1 teaspoon dough again until closed quail eggs, close the dough and shape like a bag, tie the neck pouch with sewing thread.
- Ekado basting with cooking oil, steam for 10 minutes, remove and let cool.
- Heat oil, fry ekado, until golden brown. Remove and drain well, serve with complementary.
Tips Ekado :
Usually this ekado also be enjoyed with grated radish, carrots and chopped lettuce.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Resep Perkedel Kentang Enak ala KFC
Ini favorit Wiwit, my hubby. Kalo ke KFC, pasti nggak lupa pesen perkedel minimal 2 buat dia sendiri. Biar nggak beli melulu, akhirnya utak-atik resep yang ada biar pas kayak perkedel KFC. Tadaa…resepnya nyusul yaa…Matching-nya siy dimakan pake sup ayam jamur hangat, resep-nya mbak Fat untuk zuppa soup (tapi nggak usah pake pastry), yum. Callista juga suka.

- 12 kentang kecil,goreng dan dilumatkan
- 2 butir bawang putih, cincang halus
- 1 sdm daun bawang, iris tipis
- 1 sdt garam
- 1/2 sdt merica bubuk
- 1/2 sdt pala bubuk
- 1 telur
Cara membuat:
- Aduk semua bahan perkedel
- Bentuk bulat pipih (kalau mau perkedel padat, celupkan sedikit ke putih telur..)
- Goreng perkedel sampai matang
Untuk: 12 buah
Resep Perkedel Kentang Enak ala KFC
Ini favorit Wiwit, my hubby. Kalo ke KFC, pasti nggak lupa pesen perkedel minimal 2 buat dia sendiri. Biar nggak beli melulu, akhirnya utak-atik resep yang ada biar pas kayak perkedel KFC. Tadaa…resepnya nyusul yaa…Matching-nya siy dimakan pake sup ayam jamur hangat, resep-nya mbak Fat untuk zuppa soup (tapi nggak usah pake pastry), yum. Callista juga suka.

- 12 kentang kecil,goreng dan dilumatkan
- 2 butir bawang putih, cincang halus
- 1 sdm daun bawang, iris tipis
- 1 sdt garam
- 1/2 sdt merica bubuk
- 1/2 sdt pala bubuk
- 1 telur
Cara membuat:
- Aduk semua bahan perkedel
- Bentuk bulat pipih (kalau mau perkedel padat, celupkan sedikit ke putih telur..)
- Goreng perkedel sampai matang
Untuk: 12 buah
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Resep Kue - Cake Keju Lemon
Resep Kue Cake Keju Lemon - akan kami berikan untuk anda semua yang memang suka sekali memasak aneka macam ragam kue yang lezat dan nikmat, sebab bagaimana tidak, kami sengaja memberikan aneka ragam kue ini untuk anda yang ingin membuat kue atau bahkan belajar membuat kue.
Langsung saja akan kemi brikan Resep Kue Keju Lemon untuk anda di bawah ini :
Bahan - Bahan :
100 gram crackers (seperti biskuit gabin)
40 gram mentega
750 gram krim keju
1/2 kulit jeruk lemon
1 sendok teh vanili
1 sendok makan air jeruk lemon
4 butir telur
220 gram gula castor
Cara membuat Cake Keju Lemon
1. Tumbuk crackers (biskuit) hingga menjadi halus, tambahkan mentega yan telah dicairkan, aduk rata, dan masukkan ke dalam loyang. tekan hingga padat.
2. Cairkan krim keju dan kocok dengan mixer hingga halus
3. Aduk rata bahan lainya dan perlahan-lahan masukkan ke dalam krim keju sambil terus diaduk. Tuang ke dalam loyang yang telah dilapisi dengan adonan biskuit. pangang dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan terlebih dulu dengan suhu 190 derajat celcius / 375 derajat fahrenhait selama 30 menit
4. dinginkan, kemudian potong kue menjadi 8 – 10 potong
5. Parut kulit jeruk. campur dengan gula dan air jeruk lemon. Masak hingga kental. hidangkan cake keju dengan selai jeruk jika diinginkan.
Langsung saja akan kemi brikan Resep Kue Keju Lemon untuk anda di bawah ini :
Bahan - Bahan :
100 gram crackers (seperti biskuit gabin)
40 gram mentega
750 gram krim keju
1/2 kulit jeruk lemon
1 sendok teh vanili
1 sendok makan air jeruk lemon
4 butir telur
220 gram gula castor
Cara membuat Cake Keju Lemon
1. Tumbuk crackers (biskuit) hingga menjadi halus, tambahkan mentega yan telah dicairkan, aduk rata, dan masukkan ke dalam loyang. tekan hingga padat.
2. Cairkan krim keju dan kocok dengan mixer hingga halus
3. Aduk rata bahan lainya dan perlahan-lahan masukkan ke dalam krim keju sambil terus diaduk. Tuang ke dalam loyang yang telah dilapisi dengan adonan biskuit. pangang dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan terlebih dulu dengan suhu 190 derajat celcius / 375 derajat fahrenhait selama 30 menit
4. dinginkan, kemudian potong kue menjadi 8 – 10 potong
5. Parut kulit jeruk. campur dengan gula dan air jeruk lemon. Masak hingga kental. hidangkan cake keju dengan selai jeruk jika diinginkan.
Resep Salad Buah ala Pizza Hut Mudah Enak
Aku dapet resep-nya dari Anneke (Ekeu) temen kantorku. Kalo kata orang rumah siy mirip kayak saus salad-nya Pizza Hut. Tergantung buah-nya juga siy oke apa nggak.
- 1 Buah lychee kalengan
- 1 Buah rambutan kalengan
- 1 Buah kelengkeng kalengan
- Melon, kupas dan potong kotak-kotak kecil
- Pepaya, kupas & potong kotak-kotak kecil
Bahan saus:
- Bawang bombay, cincang
- 6 Sdm gula pasir
- 4 sdm cuka
- 1 botol kecil mayonaise
- 1/2 Kaleng susu kental manis
- 5 Kuning telur rebus (resep aslinya siy 10)
- 1 Sdm mentega dicairkan
- Keju cheddar
Cara membuat:
- Bawang bombay, garam & cuka diaduk rata, diamkan 1 jam
- Lelehkan mentega & lumatkan kuning telur dengan mentega yang sudah cair
- Tuang mayonaise ke dalam campuran bawang, aduk rata
- Tuang kuning telur rebus yang sudah lumat ke dalam campuran saus, aduk rata dengan whisker
- Susun aneka buah di dalam wadah
- Tuang saus ke atas susunan buah, beri parutan keju
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Resep Donat Kentang - Kumpulan Resep Donat
Resep Donat Kentang - Kumpulan Resep Donat akan kami berikan untuk anda semua yang memang ingin sekali menikmati makanan yang sehat dan berprotin bagus untuk anak-anak dan keluarga anda, pastinya jangan salah pilih resep yang praktis dan serba guna.
Langsung saja akan kami berikan Resep Donat Kentang yang sehat dan cara pembuatannya yang mudah.
275 g tepung terigu
2 sdt baking powder
¼ sdt garam
¼ sdt soda kue
100 g gula pasir
2 butir telur ayam, kocok
50 g mentega, lelehkan
125 ml susu cair, aduk dengan½ sdm air jeruk nipis
150 g kentang, kupas, kukus, haluskan
minyak goreng
Cara membuat:
Campur semua bahan kering menjadi satu. Buat lubang di tengahnya. Masukkan telur dan mentega leleh sambil aduk hingga rata. Tuangi susu sedikit-sedikit sambil uleni hingga licin. Tambahkan kentang halus, aduk hingga adonan tidak lengket di tangan. Bentuk adonan menjadi bola-bola atau bentuk cincin. Goreng dalam minyak banyak di atas api kecil hingga donat kuning kecokelatan. Angkat dan tiriskan. Taburi gula bubuk, jika suka. Sajikan.
Untuk 16 buah
Resep Egg Roll Enak Maknyus ala Hokben Hoka-Hoka Bento Halal
Kalo yang ini agak ribet membuatnya…tapi bisa untuk beberapa hari…jadi imbanglah dengan capeknya..namanya Chicken Egg Roll yang ala Hokben itu..pasti anak-anak suka..resepnya dari internet dengan sedikit modifikasi..
by fatimah kelik


Bahan isi:
350 gr daging ayam cincang kasar
50 gr lemak ayam poting2 kecil
1 st kecap asin
1 st garam halus
1 st gula pasir
2 sm minyak
2 putih telur ayam
½ st minyak wijen
¼ st merica bubuk
1 st bawang putih cincang goreng
1 sm penuh maizena
Bahan kulit:
4 bt telur ayam ukuran
80 gr terigu
20 gr maizena
150 cc air
½ st garam halus
1 sm mentega cair
Cara membuat:
1. Satukan bahan isi aduk sampai rata betul
2. Bahan kulit: kocok telur, garam, beri terigu , maizena, mentega cair aduk lalu saring dan dibuat dadar tipis2 jadi kira2 6 lembar dadar
3. Isi ½ atau 1/3 bag dadar dengan adonan isi, gulung spt lumpia rekatkan dg campuran terigu air yg menyerupai pasta
4. Kukus 20 menit
5. Setelah dingin, potong2 dan digoreng
6. Sisa yang belum digoreng dimasukkan kulkas
7. Hidangkan dengan sambal botol
by fatimah kelik
Bahan isi:
350 gr daging ayam cincang kasar
50 gr lemak ayam poting2 kecil
1 st kecap asin
1 st garam halus
1 st gula pasir
2 sm minyak
2 putih telur ayam
½ st minyak wijen
¼ st merica bubuk
1 st bawang putih cincang goreng
1 sm penuh maizena
Bahan kulit:
4 bt telur ayam ukuran
80 gr terigu
20 gr maizena
150 cc air
½ st garam halus
1 sm mentega cair
Cara membuat:
1. Satukan bahan isi aduk sampai rata betul
2. Bahan kulit: kocok telur, garam, beri terigu , maizena, mentega cair aduk lalu saring dan dibuat dadar tipis2 jadi kira2 6 lembar dadar
3. Isi ½ atau 1/3 bag dadar dengan adonan isi, gulung spt lumpia rekatkan dg campuran terigu air yg menyerupai pasta
4. Kukus 20 menit
5. Setelah dingin, potong2 dan digoreng
6. Sisa yang belum digoreng dimasukkan kulkas
7. Hidangkan dengan sambal botol
Friday, July 1, 2011
Resep Es Krim Jepang Mochi Ice Cream
I have finally got around to having instructions on How To Make Japanese Mochi Ice Cream At Home. It is really simple, any one can make this classic Japanese Ice Cream dessert, just follow this step by step recipe.
Everyone loves delicious mochi, right, little golfballs sized ice-cream covered by sweetened mochi. You bite into one... first chewy sweet bliss followed by the creamy cool ice-cream heaven.
A lot of store bought mochi are OK, like Mikawaya (they say they invented the Mochi Ice Cream), some are really nice ice cream, some not so nice but have you tried to make it yourself? It isn’t really hard and I am sure it is cheaper to just buy the Japanese ice cream mochi but it’s fun to do.
Mochi Ice Cream Recipe (around 8 servings)
Sweet rice powder 50g
Sugar 100g
Water 100ml
Ice cream 150-200g
Cornstarch as needed
1 spread cornstarch onto a cutting board (use plenty so the mochi dough does not stick to the cutting board)
2 Place the sweet rice powder into a bowl, glass is best, and add the water little at a time until it is mixed well. Then add the sugar and mix it well again.
3 Next, cover the bowl with plastic food wrap (leave a breather gap) and cook in the microwave - medium for 2 minutes. Mix with a wooden spoon (dip it in water) and cook for around one more minute.
4 You can tell the dough is ready when it turns shiny and smooth.
5 Dip your spoon in water then spread the sweet rice dough onto the cutting board as flat as possible. Remember the dough is hot so take care.
6 Cover the dough with corn starch and then flip it over. Then pull and stretch the edges and make the dough thinner.
7 Keep pulling and stretching until the dough is around 2 or 3 millimetres thin.
8 Leave to cool a little and when the dough is cool enough, cut it into rounds , use a bowl for the size.
9 You are left with nice round mochi sheets.
10 To freeze the dough, cover each layer of mochi sheet with plastic wrap and dusted with cornstarch then put it into the freezer.
11 Put the ice cream onto the centre of the mochi sheet. For a nice round mochi use an ice cream scoop. Mmm, strawberry.
12 Fold and join the edges and then back in the freezer until it’s eating time!
This is how your mochi ice cream should look, Strawberry and Green Tea Mochi. It's best to eat these when they're slightly thawed, or else it's like biting into a little ball of rock and we all know that would be no fun:)
TIP, you can use a mochi ice cream container ( the tray from mochi you have bought in a store) to help form the shape .

Everyone loves delicious mochi, right, little golfballs sized ice-cream covered by sweetened mochi. You bite into one... first chewy sweet bliss followed by the creamy cool ice-cream heaven.
A lot of store bought mochi are OK, like Mikawaya (they say they invented the Mochi Ice Cream), some are really nice ice cream, some not so nice but have you tried to make it yourself? It isn’t really hard and I am sure it is cheaper to just buy the Japanese ice cream mochi but it’s fun to do.
Mochi Ice Cream Recipe (around 8 servings)
Sweet rice powder 50g
Sugar 100g
Water 100ml
Ice cream 150-200g
Cornstarch as needed
1 spread cornstarch onto a cutting board (use plenty so the mochi dough does not stick to the cutting board)

2 Place the sweet rice powder into a bowl, glass is best, and add the water little at a time until it is mixed well. Then add the sugar and mix it well again.

3 Next, cover the bowl with plastic food wrap (leave a breather gap) and cook in the microwave - medium for 2 minutes. Mix with a wooden spoon (dip it in water) and cook for around one more minute.

4 You can tell the dough is ready when it turns shiny and smooth.

5 Dip your spoon in water then spread the sweet rice dough onto the cutting board as flat as possible. Remember the dough is hot so take care.

6 Cover the dough with corn starch and then flip it over. Then pull and stretch the edges and make the dough thinner.

7 Keep pulling and stretching until the dough is around 2 or 3 millimetres thin.

8 Leave to cool a little and when the dough is cool enough, cut it into rounds , use a bowl for the size.

9 You are left with nice round mochi sheets.

10 To freeze the dough, cover each layer of mochi sheet with plastic wrap and dusted with cornstarch then put it into the freezer.

11 Put the ice cream onto the centre of the mochi sheet. For a nice round mochi use an ice cream scoop. Mmm, strawberry.

12 Fold and join the edges and then back in the freezer until it’s eating time!

This is how your mochi ice cream should look, Strawberry and Green Tea Mochi. It's best to eat these when they're slightly thawed, or else it's like biting into a little ball of rock and we all know that would be no fun:)

TIP, you can use a mochi ice cream container ( the tray from mochi you have bought in a store) to help form the shape .


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