Saturday, November 20, 2010



500 ml air
100 g kacang kedelai,rendam ar semalaman
150 g udang
150 g ayam
100 g sayuran campur(mic vegetable)
5 siung bawang putih,cincang
2 cm jahe cincang
2 sdm kecap asin
2 sdt merica bubuk
2 sdm margarine rendah lemak
2 sdm seledri,cincang
2 sdt gula pasir
· haluskan kacang kedelai dengan air dalam blender hingga menjadi susu kacang. Angkat,didihkan di atas api kecil.
· Campurkan udang dan ayam dalam blender,proses hingga halus selama 10 detik.
· Tumis bawang putih,bawang merah,dan jahe hingga harum. Masukan kecap asin,ayam,udang dan merica bubuk.
· Tuangkan tumisan dalam rebusan susu kacang kedelai dan sayuran campur. Masak sebentar,angkat.
· Sajikan dengan taburan seledri cincang.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

 Strawberry Milkshake
  • 300 gram stroberi segar
  • 200 gram es krim stroberi
  • 200 cc susu cair
  • 5 sendok makan sirop merah
  • 200 gram es batu, hancurkan
Cara Membuat :
  1. Blender stroberi, es krim, susu, sirop merah dan es batu.
  2. Tuang ke dalam gelas tinggi lalu hias dengan buah stoberi. Segera disajikan.

Resep Masakan Roti Jala Gulai Ayam

resep masakan roti jala gulai ayam dengan tepung pisang
Untuk: 5 porsi, 1 porsi: 284 kalori
Bahan roti jala:
  • 50 gr tepung pisang
  • 50 gr tepung terigu
  • 2 btr telur ayam
  • 500 ml santan encer
  • Sedikit garam
  • 1 sdm mentega dilelehkan
Gulai ayam:
  • 250 gr daging ayam (5 potong)
  • 500 ml santan
  • 1 sdm minyak untuk menumis
  • 2 lbr daun jeruk
  • 1 btg sereh
  • 1 iris lengkuas
Bumbu yang dihaluskan:
  • 1 ruas jahe
  • 5 bh kemiri
  • 5 siung bawang putih
  • 2 bh cabai merah
  • 5 bh bawang merah
  • 1 iris kunyit
  • Garam secukupnya
Cara membuat roti jala gulai ayam dengan tepung pisang
  1. Campur tepung pisang dan tepung terigu, pecahkan telur ayam, tuangi santan sedikit demi sedikit sampai habis sambil diaduk, beri mentega leleh, aduk.
  2. Ambil wajan dadar teflon, panaskan, lalu buat dadar seperti jala memakai contong sampai adonan habis (±20 lembar), sisihkan.
Cara membuat gulai ayam:
  1. 1Tumis bumbu yang telah dihaluskan bersama sereh, daun jeruk, dan lengkuas dengan minyak.
  2. Masukkan ayam, masak hingga bumbu meresap, masukkan santan, masak hingga mendidih dan ayam empuk, angkat
  3. Hidangkan roti jala dengan gulai ayam
Maraknya aneka jenis tepung dari aneka bahan makanan lokal perlu kita sambut dengan menyosialisasikan melalui resep supaya menambah jenis variasi pangan yang bisa diminati masyarakat. Semua orang telah mengenal pisang dari sisi fisik maupun seleranya sehingga orang mudah menerima bentuk dari tepung pisang.
Tanaman pisang berasal dari daerah tropis Asia Tenggara di sekitar kawasan Malaysia dan Indonesia. Namun, sekarang tanaman pisang telah menyebar di sejumlah negara dan di Indonesia pisang ditanam di seluruh Nusantara. Sebagai negara tropis, Indonesia memiliki 250 jenis pisang.
Dari 250 jenis itu, pisang terdiri atas tiga kelompok, yaitu:
  1. Pisang yang dimakan sebagai buah setelah masak, yaitu pisang ambon, pisang susu, pisang raja, pisang meja, pisang mas, dan pisang barangan.
  2. Pisang yang dimakan setelah masak dan diolah (dikukus, digoreng), yaitu pisang tanduk, pisang nangka, pisang kepok.
  3. Pisang yang berbiji, yang biasa dipakai untuk penyedap rasa, yaitu pisang batu atau kelutuk, biasanya dipakai untuk aneka rujak.
  4. Tepung atau pati pisang cukup kaya akan karbohidrat dan protein bisa dipakai bahan pembuat roti, cake, atau biskuit, bubur bayi, dan lain-lain. Biasanya tepung pisang yang terbaik dibuat dari pisang kepok. Ciri-ciri pisang yang baik warnanya putih, rasa dan aroma khas, bisa disimpan 9-12 bulan.
Sandwich Pisang Coklat Keju

Bahan :
- 2 lembar roti tawar -
- 2 butir telur, garam, merica secukupnya, kocok lepas -
- 1 buah pisang raja, goreng, potong melintang -
- Coklat mesyes secukupnya -
- Keju parut secukupnya -

Cara membuat :
1. Roti tawar dicelup ke dalam telur.
2. Panggang sampai kecoklatan.
3. Susun dengan bahan lain. Siap dihidangkan.

Untuk 1 porsi

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tahu goreng bumbu rujak

Bumbu :

300 gr tahu, potong 2 x 2 cm lalu goreng kering
3 lembar daun jeruk purut
1 tangkai serai, dimemarkan
500 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa
1 sendok makan air asam jawa
2 sendok makan minyak untuk tumis
Garam dan gula secukupnya

Bumbu halus :

• 6 butir bawang merah
• 5 buah cabai merah
• 3 buah kemiri
• ½ cm lengkuas
• 1 cm kunyit

Cara memasak :

• Tumis bawang halus, daun jeruk dan serai sampai harum.
• Masukkan tahu, aduk hingga tahu berbalut bumbu
• Tuangkan santan, garam, gula dan air asam. Masak hingga santan kental

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Recipe resep Most Easy Yummy PANCAKE BUTTERMILK

After trying so many pancake recipes that circulate in cyberspace, I finally fell in love with the same recipes that use buttermilk this. Very soft. My family loves these snacks together. Can be eaten at any kind of, if my husband used to use ice cream and fruit.

250 ml buttermilk
165 gr flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 / 4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 egg beaten off

In a bowl mix all ingredients, stirring with a whisk until terampur flat.
Finally enter the melted butter and eggs, mix well. Let stand 15 minutes before cooking.
Heat a teflon pan (leave the heat stable, then reduce the heat .....)
Spread with butter (do not use, the results become more beautiful ...)
Heat a pancake mold, spread sides with butter (I usually use a round mold diameter of 7 cm.)
Pour 1-2 tablespoons pancake batter into the mold.
Wait until the surface and dry holes, then turn.

NB: the original recipe buttermilk substitute some ingredients. Can use thick cream / whip cream / fresh cream. I once tried to milk that was given vinegar, but why not work yea: (


Frucht = fruit
Kuchen = cake / pie
Mit = with
Streusel = crumble
So this is a cake / pie fruit with crumble. Original recipe is Apfelküchen, yes right apple cake. Because my husband is a fan of fruit that tastes sour, then I add the nektarinen ama kiwi. Keep it makes me crumble model, plus it feels so good
Please try, it's easy really. do not need a mixer, just need the scales at just the oven.
Material pie:
200 grams flour
70 grams sugar (if sweetness can be reduced)
100 grams margarine
1 tsp (pressed) baking powder
1 egg, beaten off

3 apples (only), I used to use royal gala ato
1 apple, 1 piece nektarinen, 2 kiwi fruit
ato fruit of any kind, provided that no durian:)
20 grams margarine

Streusel Ingredients:
150 grams flour
75 grams sugar
90 grams margarine

Mix all ingredients until can crushed (I use the hand ... when).
Roller, up to 0.5 cm thick, then moved to the pan with a diameter of 20 cm, which was polished margarine.
Prick bottom with fork, this is basic so pienya engga bubble. Set aside.
note: These recipes use margarine kosher version of his form in Germany such as the Indo-style margarine, exp. Bl * e B ** d. If in Denmark, halal margarine his form loud, like a pastry margarine (korsvet) a little water content. So if I make a definite amount
certainly add margarine.

Peel and cut into pieces, arrange on top of basic pie.
Sprinkle with raisins.
Margarine cut ato dicolek (using a spoon) and then sown evenly on the sidelines of the fruit.
Set aside.

Mix all ingredients, do not diuleni, but with kneaded dough to make it a bulleted like sand. if there is a tool for making pastry can also use it. Just like a batter so that coarse sand (see photo).
Sprinkle streusel over the composition of this fruit.

Prepare the oven is already in preheat 180 degrees.
Pie oven for 35-45 minutes.
Note: if use a soft margarine like Bl * e B ** d, I entered first into the fridge. Then cut into pieces, then mixed.

Garnish with butter spray.
Nice and easy:)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Resep Brownies 'Amanda' Quick and Simple

Brownie Ingredients
Brownie Ingredients

This recipe calls for:

6 Tablespoons Unsweetened Cocoa

1/4 Cup Butter

1 Cup Sugar

1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

1/3 Cup Flour

2 Eggs

1 Cup Toasted Pecans (if you need to know how to roast pecans, here it is: How to Roast Pecans)

Brownie Equipment

Brownie Equipment

Brownie Equipment

For this recipe you will need:

8x8 Baking Pan

Measuring Cups

Measuring Spoons


Mixing Spoon

Crisco (Vegetable Fat)

Brownie Chocolate

Mixing Brownie Chocolate

First Step: Melting and Mixing

First, in a microwavable dish, melt the 1/4 cup of butter (make sure that the butter is completely melted, otherwise it will not mix in with the other ingredients, and you will have to start over). Then stir this into the 6 Tablespoons of Unsweetened Cocoa.

Mixing Brownie Batter

Mixing Brownie Batter

Second Step: Mixing Brownie Batter

Now, combined with the butter and cocoa--mix in thoroughly:

I Cup Sugar

2 Eggs

1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

1/3 Cup Flour

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

Brownie Batter

Brownie Batter

Third Step: Brownie Batter

This is how your final batter should look. If you would like to add pecans to your batter, do it now.

Now, pre-heat oven to 325F degrees.

Brownie Dish

Brownie Pan

Fourth Step: Flouring The Brownie Pan

You will need to flour the baking pan. First, cover the glass dish with Crisco (vegetable fat) or butter. Then, put a few tablespoons of flour or cocoa in the dish, and shake it until the sides and bottom are covered. This will keep the brownies from sticking to the dish.

Pouring Brownie Batter

Pouring Brownie Batter

Fifth Step: Pouring Brownie Batter

Pour the brownie batter into the dish.



Sixth Step: Cooking and Cooling Brownies

After your oven has preheated to 325F, put the brownies into the oven for 35-40 minutes. Poke your brownies with a toothpick. If the tooth pick comes out clean, your brownies are done! Now, take them out of the oven and let them cool until slightly warm. You are ready to cut and serve.

Easy Pancake Recipe Home Made Delicious

This easy pancake recipe proves that you can make homemade pancakes that taste just as good as the boxed or pancake house variety, easily at home.
Actually I think they are much, much better.
Homemade pancakes are such an easy treat that I often make them for lunch or dinner.
I add sliced fruit on top to make me feel that I am being a bit healthier, but the truth is it's the light fluffy pancakes with that terrific syrup that really hits the spot.
And if you can get real maple syrup - well, that's just heaven on a plate! 



1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons sugar (optional)
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups milk
1 egg
2 - 3 tablespoons oil
Mix the dry ingredients together, then add the milk, oil and eggs. Mix well and try to get some of the lumps out of the batter. Don't worry about making it perfectly smooth. It will be fine.
Heat a skillet on medium heat. When heated, scoop the pancake batter recipe into the frying pan with a large spoon to make individual pancakes. The pan will probably only take 1 or two pancakes at a time. Cook on one side until the top begins to bubble, then flip over and cook on the other side.

Tips and Variations:

  • Omit the sugar for a sugar free pancake recipe. It will obviously be less sweet but it still tastes great. You can also replace the sugar with your favorite sugar alternative.
  • Once the pancake batter is in the pan, dot the surface of the pancake with blueberries, raspberries or thin slices of banana. Everyone will love it and it is a great way to get more fruit in your diet.
  • A tasty tip, especially for diabetics. Add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to our easy pancake recipe. It adds wonderful taste and the bonus for diabetics is that cinnamon helps control blood sugar a bit.
  • You can omit the oil, but it adds a nice richness to the batter. If you leave it out you will probably need a bit of oil in your pan when you fry them.